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Bittersweet Goodbyes and New Hello's/ Week #5 & #6 Outreach Update

Outreach Update : Week #5 & #6

Welcome back to another update! So thankful for all of you that read these and as always in the comment section we would love to hear your thoughts/reactions. This week we arrived back on base after serving in the beautiful Nicoya Peninsula part of Costa Rica. (Check previous newsletters for more info). After getting settled on base we welcomed another DTS team from Brazil and have partnered with them on various ministry.

LOCATION: YWAM Heredia base, Park, Children's Care Center

WHAT: This week we've been able to participate in park evangelism were we got the opportunity to connect with people at the park and pray over their life circumstances. We also got to do bible distribution and pray over people in a neighborhood that was very open and inviting. A child center located in an area where alcohol and drug addiction are oppressing people welcomed us to speak life into the kid/teens. With different activities like pray, games, songs, a short message on joy, and a drama performed by the Brazilian team really brought light into the heart of the kids and our team. Both the younger kids and teenagers really were attentive and you can tell they were touched by us spending time with them. A big part of our time on base especially during week #6 was various base projects. Specifically, a fun project Javon and I got to do together was rebuild the front entrance fence of the base so the updated YWAM Heredia sign could go up. We look forward to keep partnering with what God has planned next.

RESPONSE: It always nerve racking going up to people in the park to ask how they are doing and if we can pray for them. The Lord always moves. It's always a good reminder to us that so many people carry the weight that they have to create and do life all by themselves so to pray and share that the One who created them loves, sees and wants a relationship with them is such a blessing to see the weight lift off them. Moments like a young men searching for who he is in this world tearing up as we spoke truth and life into him at the park really move our hearts. To be able to spend with those kiddos at the center was such a blessing to us. Javon was able to help lead songs, games and shared a short message on where true lasting Joy comes from. The kids soaked it all up and were so kind and filled with so much hope. We are impressed and thankful for all the volunteers and workers at the center who pour so much love into the kids.

*click to enlarge

Javon's Highlight: Kids program, fence build base project and helping lead worship at a family night

Ange's Highlight: Watching the kids at the center be so touched by the drama performed

  1. Praise God for all the work He did through us in the past few weeks and the work He will continue to do

  2. Pray for the kids in the area where even the day you can see, hear and smell the prominence of drugs and alcohol

  3. Ask the Lord for continued guidance as he opens new doors for our future

  4. Ask him to keep helping us to create healthy habits and draw closer to him

Thank you so much to those who support us prayerfully and financially so we can serve by bringing hope and the love of Jesus to everyone we encounter. We are truly thankful for you!

May God bless you and keep you,

J&A 🫶🏾

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